News & Notes > #strike4blacklives


medRxiv  |  2020-06-09

bioRxiv and medRxiv strongly support the #strike4blacklives actions planned for June 10th, including those of our physics colleagues at arXiv.  As biomedical research initiatives communicating urgent COVID-19-related information, we will follow #ShutDownSTEM guidance by continuing to post new content and remain open to readers worldwide. We encourage all biomedical scientists not directly involved in COVID-19-related activities to take this time to reflect on and educate themselves about the challenges and discrimination faced by members of the Black community and how to take action. Black individuals experience unjust disparities in academia, health and society at large, and we believe it is incumbent upon all of us as scientists and clinicians to work actively to address these issues. bioRxiv and medRxiv are open to all authors and commenters. We are taking steps to increase representation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic scientists and clinicians among advisors and affiliates. We welcome approaches from all who would like to become involved.